Young Management & Consulting is providing Project & Construction Management Services for the Newark Switch Rebuild Project. The Newark Switching Station, located in Newark NJ, is a critical facility serving the city’s electric distribution and transmission network. After more than half a century in operation, the station is outdated and needs equipment upgrades, so PSE&G is rebuilding the station.
This project will help PSE&G continue to deliver safe, highly reliable electric service for our Newark customers long into the future. This project is part of a $361 million investment in Newark’s electrical infrastructure to ensure redundancy and reliability.
Construction began Summer of 2019, and the station has been put in service starting May 2021. Deconstruction of the existing building began in late 2021 and was successfully completed in 2022. The project has moved into the final phase which involves the completion of decorative walls, artwork by local residents, and landscaping around the substation. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held in early summer 2023 to close out the project!